BlastShield - Blast Resistant Security Glass

BlastShield® blast resistant security glass is a multi-layered combination of incredibly robust blast resistant glass and poly-composite panels laminated together in varying thicknesses. The unique design allows the flexibility of the interlayer and the adhesion between layers of laminated glass to continue to resist blast after the glass layers fracture, providing protection from significantly higher blast loads compared to monolithic glass.
BlastShield thicknesses start at 22mm (7/8″), with state of the art computer aided modelling used to certify the specified composition.
BlastShield needs to be custom designed as part of a complete system to ensure it performs as required in an explosion event. The blast resistant glass, frames, and anchorage must all be able to survive the blast loading in order for the overall system to provide adequate protection. If any one part of the system fails, then the entire system fails. Similarly, the supporting wall must be able to handle the loads imparted to it by the window system. If the window system has a higher capacity than the supporting wall, when the wall fails the entire window system may be blown into the facility. Glasshape® technical team work with blast engineers on specific project designs to ensure that complete systems will withstand the required blast requirements.

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BlastShield® - Blast Resistant Security Glass - Features & Benefits
Levels of Protection:
Range of protection levels available.
Framing & Edge Cover:
Approved framing & anchoring system required.
2D Bending:
2D curves (single radius and single axis).
Tints and Glass Types:
Large range of glass types available off the shelf or bespoke to your specifications.
Optional Spall Panel:
Spall Panel prevents glass fragment spray on non-attack side
Negligible distortion to visibility.
Standard Sheet Dimensions:
Bespoke dimensions as required.
Compatible with Digital Ceramic Ink Printing - VisionInk.
Resistance Times:
Up to 60 minutes intruder resistance in addition to blast resistant properties.
Individually certified using state-of-the-art blast modelling.
Watch the “Australian Embassy Jakarta - Security Glass” Video
BlastShield® - Blast Resistant Security Glass - Applications
With buildings such as embassies and other government buildings, there is often a requirement for the glass to be able to resist multiple threats, such as intruder, bullet and blast, which requires a specialized solution for each application.
Glasshape® have designed, tested and certified customized glass solutions which incorporate the unique properties of ArmourShield®, AmmoShield® and BlastShield® to provide an answer to these specific requirements. A fine example of our customized approach can be seen in Australian Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Suitable Threat Level: Equipped with Firearms & Explosives
Typical Weapons Used
- Multiple Attackers
- Pistols
- Shotguns (slugs)
- Rifles
- Explosives

Foreign Embassies
Protect staff and information in the event of a terrorist attack.
VIP and Diplomatic Housing
Protect occupants from armed robbery or terrorist attack.
Cash Handling - Banks, Foreign Exchange
Protect staff and assets from the threat of armed robbery.
Courtrooms - Judges Chambers, Witness Boxes
Provide protection in the event of attack with firearms.
Protection of military facilities from attack.
Intelligence Offices
To create a secure facility that can’t be penetrated, protecting internal information and staff.
Guard House
Provide protection against attack from assailants with hand weapons.
BlastShield® - Testing
Full-scale open-air blast tests are rarely performed these days, so the use of latest technology in blast modelling is used to determine the performance of different make-ups of BlastShield® being designed for specific projects.
Glasshapes technical team works with blast engineers on specific project designs to ensure that complete systems will withstand the required blast requirements.